
Goat Tengkleng ( Tengkleng Kambing )

Goat Tengkleng dishes are from central java Indonesia,
Goat Tengkleng is perfect on serve for lunch or dinner,
seasonings - a savory condiment made ​​tengkleng is very good for a family meal together.

Material tengkleng Goats:
500 gr mutton
250 gr young goat bones, cleaned and chopped to taste
250 cc coconut milk
750 cc of liquid milk from 1 coconut btr
3 tablespoons butter
beef flavorings to taste
2 tbsp fried onions

Seasoning Ingredients tengkleng Goats:
2 tablespoons red pepper that has been smoothed
1 ptg turmeric
8 pcs onion
4 cloves garlic
2 tbsp coriander
1/2 tsp cumin
5 btr hazelnut
1 ptg ginger, puree
1 ptg galangal
1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
3 kaffir lime leaves
pinch of salt

How to Make Goat tengkleng:
Heat the butter and saute until fragrant spices. Enter a young goat meat and bones, stirring until it changes color. After that enter the liquid milk and beef taste, and cook until the meat is almost cooked goat cartilage. Last insert thick coconut milk, stir until thick and ripe young flesh and bone.
Remove and serve with fried onions sprinkled.

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