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ice tamarind recipe ( es asam jawa ) indonesian recipe

ice tamarind recipe ( es asam jawa ) indonesian recipe

Ingredients :
• 250 grams tamarind
• 1 ltr of water

suplementary :
• 100 gr sugar
• 500 ml soda water
• ice cubes

1. Wash tamarind, then boiled with ari, until boiling and crushed tamarind.
2. Then strain, put into the pot.
3. Sugar cooked with a bit water, until dissolved, then strain, and put in a pot of water that has been strain tamarind.
4. Cook returned to a boil, remove from heat and let cool.
5. Once cool put it in a glass, add ice
6. Serve

smashed beef ribs ala jakarta ( iga penyet ) indonesian recipes

smashed beef ribs ala jakarta ( iga penyet ) indonesian recipes
smashed beef ribs / penyet beef ribs / in indonesian called iga penyet is the most popular food in jakarta.,
In Jakarta Indonesian These foods usually sold at a price Idr Rp 25.000 - Rp.40.000,  ( Usd $2.1 - $ 4 )
this time indonesian original recipes will share how to make smashed beef ribs ala Jakarta.

500 gr beef ribs, cut, washed
400 ml of water
2 bay leaves, washed
5 grains of cloves
1 cm ginger, smashed
250 gr margarine

Finely crushed SEASONING:
4 cloves of garlic
½ tsp coriander
1 cm turmeric, peeled
3 cm ginger, peeled
3 cm galangal, peeled
11/2 tsp salt

sambal (chilli sauce ) :
3 red onions
1 clove of garlic
6 curly red chili, washed
5 cayenne pepper, washed
½ tomatoes, washed
1 tsp salt
Sliced ​​1 tbsp brown sugar
1 bunch basil leaves, washed
2 pieces of lemon, halved

direction :

1. Boiled beef ribs with bay leaves, cloves, and ginger until half cooked. Remove and drain. Rub the ribs with Finely crushed seasoning. Add the water. Boil again until ribs are tender. Remove and set aside.

2. Heat a frying pan and fry until cooked ribs. Remove and set aside.

3. Sambal: saute onion, garlic, red pepper, cayenne pepper, and tomatoes with a little oil fry the rest of the ribs wilt. Lift.

4. finely crushed sambal ( chillie sauce ) ingredients. Add basil leaves and lemon juice. Stir well.

5. Place ribs on top of chili fries. Press until the sauce sticks to the ribs. serve

curry fish head ( gulai kepala ikan ) indonesian recipes

curry fish head  ( gulai kepala ikan ) indonesian recipes

curry fish head  ( gulai kepala ikan ) indonesian recipes:

1 piece (600 g) white snapper fish head
1 lemon
1 tablespoon salt
5 tablespoons cooking oil
5 pieces starfruit, cut into ½ cm
3 tamarind
3 bay leaves
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
5 cm galangal, crushed
5 cm ginger, crushed
2 tsp salt
1L coconut milk

Seasonings, mashed:
10 grains of red onion
5 cloves of garlic
5 pieces of red chili
1 red tomatoes
3 cm turmeric
2 tbsp coriander granules
1 tsp salt


Rub the fish head with lemon and salt until blended. Store in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

Heat oil in a griddle. Use medium heat. Saute ground spices until fragrant.

ADD starfruit, tamarind, bay leaves, lemon grass, galangal, ginger, and salt. Stir-fry until fragrant.

Add coconut milk and fish heads. Cook until the sauce looks greasy and overcooked fish.

Lift. Serve

klepon cake ( kue klepon ) indonesian recipes

klepon cake ( kue klepon ) indonesian recipes

kelepon is a kind of traditional food or traditional Indonesian cake which belong to a group snack market. This food made out from glutinous rice flour shaped like small balls and filled with brown sugar and boil in boiling water. Klepon ripe and then rolled in grated coconut that is attached above. Klepon usually placed in containers made from banana leaves.
this time indonesia original recipes will share how to make klepon cake:

ingredients :
300 grams of glutinous rice flour
4 tbsp boiling water
150 ml of warm coconut milk
50 ml of suji leaf water
½ tbsp lime
200 gr brown sugar, fine comb
1 rather young coconuts, peeled, grated lengthwise
salt to taste


Dissolve Shared the flour with boiling water and stir well. Add salt, suji leaf water, lime water while poured coconut milk piecemeal. Knead the dough until can be formed.

Take the dough the size of marbles, flatten and fill with brown sugar that has been combed. Rounded shape, do it until the dough runs out.

Boil klepon sphere into boiling water until the float. Remove and drain.

Mix oil and a pinch of salt. Steamed with given pandan leaves for 5 minutes. Lift.

Klepon roll in shredded coconut stew steamed, serve in a bowl klepon small leaves.


mix vegetable in tamarind ala padang ( sayur asam padang ) indonesian recipes

mix vegetable in tamarind ala palembang ( sayur asam palembang )

mix vegetable in tamarind ala palembang ( sayur asam palembang ) indonesian recipe mix vegetable in tamarind are recipe derived from palembang sumatra, in indonesian called sayur asam palembang.

ingredients :
350 grams giant shrimp
750 ml of water
1 stalk lemongrass, white part, crushed
1 tbsp tamarind water
2 pieces of red pepper, cut into pieces
100 g pineapple, cut into pieces
150 grams of cucumber, potongpotong
4 long beans, cut into 4 cm
1 leek, cut into pieces
15 basil leaves

seasoning mashed:
1/2 cm galangal
1 cm ginger
4 red onions
2 cloves of garlic
11/2 cm turmeric
11/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar

3/4 tsp roasted shrimp paste

direction :

1. Boiled shrimp, water, lemongrass and seasoning until shrimp change color.

2. ADD chilli, pineapple, cucumber, green beans and leeks, bring to a boil.

3. Add tamarind water and basil leaves, stir and simmer for a while. Lift.

4. Serve

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