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Showing posts with label indonesia cracker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indonesia cracker. Show all posts

Jakarta chicken porridge ( bubur ayam jakarta )

Jakarta chicken porridge  Jakarta Porridge chicken or called bubur ayam, is very popular dish in most asian countries including indonesia. porridge can be enjoyed on its own or eaten with variety of side dishes. and even though the dish comes in many variation. jakarta chicken porridge made by rice, chicken, salt, bay leaves and other...

how to make shirmp indonesian cracker ( kerupuk udang indonesia )

how to make shirmp indonesian cracker ( kerupuk udang indonesia ) crackers always served complementary foods. in indonesia crackers have various types. but this time i will share how to make shirmp indonesian crackers in indonesian called ( kerupuk udang ). shirmp crackers a flour-based foods and shrimp finely ground. ingredients how...
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