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Showing posts with label vegetarian food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegetarian food. Show all posts

tofu vegetarian steak ( steak tahu vegetarian )

tofu vegetarian steak ( steak tahu vegetarian ) tofu vegetarian steak ( steak tahu vegetarian ) oke tis time indonesian original recipes will share how to make tofu vegetarian steak tofu is a product from soybean which is the source Texturized vegetable protein (TVP). usualy often use alternate to meat for vegetarian. ingredients...

button mushrooms bakwan ( bakwan jamur kancing )

button mushrooms bakwan ( bakwan jamur kancing ) button mushrooms bakwan ( bakwan jamur kancing ) now indonesian original  recipes ( will share how to make bakwan button mushrom. this is the indonesian traditional noodles. usualy eaten for snack to coffe or tea in afternoon. bakwan...

carrot and pineaple salad recipes

carrot and pineaple salad ingerdients parrot and pineaple salad : - 210 gm pineaple cut into dice - 150 grm carrot, boiled and cut into dice - 2 tablespoon mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon butter, shake into tender. - 2 teaspoon soy sauce - 1/2 teaspoon lemon water - salt and sugar how to make parrot and pineaple salad : 1. mix together mayonnaise, butter, soy sauce, lemon water salt and suggar. 2. add pineaple, carroot mix together 3....

Fried Tempeh in spicy sauce ( Kering tempe ) Indonesian recipes

Fried Tempeh in spicy sauce ( Kering tempe ) Indonesian recipes Ingredients -  2 Lemongrass-bruised, 3 Bay leaves      -  3 cloves Garlic & ½ cm Ginger-grind -  2 tbsp Coconut/brown sugar                    -  1 tsp Salt, 1 Cayenne pepper (option)-grind -...

Fried Tofu and Tempeh in Spicy Sauce ( sambal goreng tahu tempe ) indonesian recipe

Fried Tofu and Tempeh in Spicy Sauce ( sambal goreng tahu tempe ) indonesian recipe Ingredients: 250 gr tofu/tahu (bean curd) 250 gr tempe 2 onions 5 cloves garlic 3 tbsp palmsugar 1 tsp shrimp paste( terasi )-- optional 2 tbsp sweet soy sauce ( kecap ) 1 tsp salt 2 salam leaves 2 red large chilies ( lomboks ) 5 cm galangal 1...

cassava leaves Curry ( Gulai daun singkong ) indonesian recipe

cassava leaves Curry ( Gulai daun singkong ) indonesian recipe ingerdients : 200 gr of young cassava leaves 3 cm galangal, smashed 1 stalk lemongrass, smashed 2 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon dried shrimp, brewed, roasted, mashed 1,000 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut 2 tablespoons oil for sauteing Subtle Seasonings: 10...

tofu balado ( tahu balado )

tofu balado ( tahu balado ) ingredient: 250 grams tofu, cut into 2x2 cm 2 bay leaves 3 cm galangal, crushed 150 ml of water 1 tablespoon soy sauce 3/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon brown sugar 3 tablespoons oil for sauteing tofu balado ( tahu balado ) Seasoning Mashed: 5 red onions 3 cloves of garlic 6 large red chilies 4 pieces of red chili How...

guling tofu ( tahu guling )

guling tofu ( tahu guling ) Ingredients: 4 tofu small, know each sliced ​​into 8 pieces 4 tempeh wrap, sliced ​​by know 3 cabbage leaves, chopped fine 1 cup bean sprouts long 6 cups of hot water 2 cups cooking oil Red crackers taste guling tofu ( tahu guling ) seasoning : 3 kaffir lime leaves 3 cloves of garlic 7 shallots 4 pieces of...

balado eggplant ( terung balado )

Balado eggplant was very tasty, what more if cooked with spicy seasoning. Maybe you should make it with  ingredients and easy way. Because of my recipes are very easy and definitely delicious it .. balado eggplant recipe balado eggplant ingredients   : 4 pcs of eggplant purple balado eggplant seasoning  : 4...

Mung bean porridge ( bubur kacang hijau )

porridge made ​​from Mung bean certainly very healthy, calcium and phosphorus content in Mung bean beneficial for strengthening bones and contains multiple proteins that serve to replace dead cells and helps the growth of body cells. Here if you want to know the porridge recipe. Mung bean porridge ingredients: 350 gm Mung bean,...

cucumbers salad ( salad timun )

cucumbers salad ( salad timun ) recipes 2 cucumbers 2 teaspoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon sambal oelek, chili paste 2 teaspoons lime juice 3/4 green onion, finely chopped salt white pepper how to make cucumbers salad ( salad timun ) : 1 Peel the cucumbers, cut in half and remove the seeds. 2 Half them again and slice them up in approx...

vegetables with peanut sauce from madiun ( Pecel Madiun )

Indonesian Recipes Tasty Specials Pecel Madiun.  is very special and is often called the East Java region with " sego pecel madiun ". Rice is easy pecel madiun practiced at home, you can easily get the ingredients that will be make in the market traditional in java. ingredients: 600 g white rice 6 pincuk banana leaf Peanut sauce,...

tempeh balinese flavour ( tempe bumbu bali )

Tempe is a traditional Indonesian dishes are made from raw soy inexhaustible variations on how to cook. dry fried tempeh, dried tempeh, tempeh vegetables, and traditional spices added. This time we will make Tempe Goreng Bumbu Bali which of course uses the typical spice island of Bali which is guaranteed to arouse your appetite. ingredients: 1...

sweet corn soup (sup jagung muda )

ingredients: 3 pieces of young maize (thinly - sliced​​) Btr 2 Chicken Eggs 300 g Carrots (thinly - sliced​​) 300 g Cauliflower (thinly - sliced​​) 3 lbr onions (thinly - sliced​​) 1 stalk Celery (thinly - sliced​​) 5 cloves of red onion (thinly - sliced​​) 2 cloves garlic (thinly - sliced​​) Salt, nutmeg and pepper to taste water How...

sudanese salad ( karedok )

Ingredients: 50 gr/2 oz long bean, cut into 0.5 cm length 2 white cabbage leaves, finely shredded 100 gr/3.5 oz beansprouts, brown ends discarded 3 small green round aubergines / eggplants, quartered, finely sliced 100 gr/3.5 oz cucumber, quartered, finely sliced A handfull of indonesian basil leaves / kemangi 50 ml/2 fl.oz vegetable oil Peanut-Dressing: 100...

fried tempeh and tofu ( tempe dan tahu goreng )

Ingredients: 250 gr/ 10 oz tempe 250 gr/10 oz tofu Oil to deep fry (approx. 150 ml) For Marinade: 1 clove or 2 cloves small garlic 1 tsp coriander seeds or 1/2 tsp coriander powder 1 tsp salt or to taste 100 ml cold water Directions: Fried Tempe: Slice the tempe & tofu in 1cm thinly rectangular shapes or as desired. Put aside. For...

sauteed papaya flower original manado ( tumis bunga pepaya manado ) vegetarian

This is one of the vegetarian food that originated from Manado, Indonesia. Sauté vegetables papaya flower is often cooked by Manado and surrounding communities, not too bitter taste could even cooked not bitter at all makes this increasingly popular cuisine by outsiders if holidays to Manado Manado. ingredient 150 grams of papaya flowers 100...

soup tamarind vegetables ( Sayur asam ) Vegetarian food

INGREDIENTS 1 75 g Nuts Long, 75 gr Pumpkin Siam, 1 pcs Young Corn 1 pcs Sweet Corn 50 grams Peanuts 75 gr Melinjo 3 pcs Red Chili 3 cm galangal 3 lbr Leaves Greeting 75 gr Acid Young 1000 ml water 5 tbsp Sugar 3 tsp salt seasoning: 7 pcs Shallots 3 cloves of Garlic 3 pcs Red Chili 50 grams Peanuts INGREDIENTS 2 (soak and stir): 25...


well this time we try to share with you also deh Indonesian cuisine is derived from the Betawi. Of course you can try to make the gado gado with ordinary dish or gado gado Betawi with some extra special flavor complement to the gado-gado Betawi could be more delicious and tasty Ingredients Making Gado Gado: Prepare beans that have been...

corn soup

3 pieces of young maize (thinly - sliced​​) 2 btr chicken eggs 300 g Carrots (thinly - sliced​​) 300 g Cauliflower (sliced ​​- sliced​​) 100 grams of ground beef 3 lbr Spring onion (thinly - sliced​​) 1 stalk celery (thinly - sliced​​) 5 cloves red onion (thinly - sliced​​) 2 cloves garlic (thinly - sliced​​) Salt, nutmeg and pepper...
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