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Showing posts with label Western Java. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Western Java. Show all posts

Jakarta chicken porridge ( bubur ayam jakarta )

Jakarta chicken porridge  Jakarta Porridge chicken or called bubur ayam, is very popular dish in most asian countries including indonesia. porridge can be enjoyed on its own or eaten with variety of side dishes. and even though the dish comes in many variation. jakarta chicken porridge made by rice, chicken, salt, bay leaves and other...

Steamed Coconut Cupcakes ( Putu Ayu ) Indonesian Recipes

Steamed Coconut Cupcakes ( Putu Ayu ) Indonesian Recipes putu ayu Ingredients: 1/2 cup plain flour 1/2 cup sugar 2 eggs 1/4 cup coconut milk 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tbsp green food coloring 1/3 cup desiccated coconut, soak in water to moisten 1/2 tsp salt How to make putu ayu: Grease 15 cupcake moulds. Using an electric...

Lumpur Cake ( Kue Lumpur ) indonesian recipes

Lumpur Cake ( Kue Lumpur ) indonesian recipes Ingredients: 75 g margarine or butter 250 ml water 150 g flour, sifted 100 g sugar 1/4 tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla 6 eggs 450 ml coconut cream 100 g raisins 100 g coconut, flesh, slivered How to: Melt the margarine/butter in the water, add the flour and blend it until smooth....

west java sambal godog ( sambal godong jawa barat ) indonesian recipes

west java sambal godog ( sambal godong jawa barat ) indonesian recipes INGREDIENTS: 2 tablespoons oil, for sauteing. 1 It coconut milk from 1 coconut. 1 vertebra galangal, crushed. 2 bay leaves. 1 stalk lemongrass. 250 gr green beans, sliced ​​into flower. 200 g potatoes, diced. 250 grams of red beans, boiled briefly. 100...

lime grilled chicken ( ayam bakar limau ) indonesian recipes

lime grilled chicken ( ayam bakar limau ) Lime (botanical name: Citrus aurantifolia) is a kind of plant whose fruit drink made ​​of water and also mixed in food. Lemon lime is believed to have originated in India and Burma or South East Asia. Now it is grown in almost all tropical and subtropical regions. The fruit is a kind of famous...

mix vegetable in tamarind ala betawi ( sayur asam betawi ) indonesia recipe

mix vegetable in tamarind ala betawi ( sayur asam betawi ) indonesian recipe mix begetable in tamarind are recipe derived from betawi jakarta, in indonesian called sayur asam betawi ingredients : 100 grams of beef, sliced ​​small 800 ml of water 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cm galangal, sliced 1 bay leaf 2 young tamarind fruit, crushed 200 g young...

tempeh satay with peanut sauce ( sate tempe bumbu kacang )

this time indonesia original recipes will share how to make tempeh satay with peanut sauce tempeh satay ingredients :    400 g tempeh    1 tsp vegetable oil    skewers peanut sauce:  4 cloves garlic, saute  2 pieces of curly red chili, stir-fry  2 tablespoons peeled roasted peanuts  1 tablespoon brown sugar comb ...

betawi ulam rice ( nasi ulam betawi )

okey this time indonesia original recipes will share how to make ulam rice ( nasi ulam ) Ulam Rice is a rice dish mixed with various herbs and spices, especially the leaves of gotu kola (Centella asiatica) or sometimes substituted basil leaves, vegetables, and a variety of spices and accompanied by some kind of side dishes. This dish...

maragi satay ( sate maragi )

Sundanese people do not call it satay maranggi, but enough with maranggi alone. There are two areas in West Java who both claim to be the place of origin of satay skewers maranggi, namely Cianjur and Purwakarta. In Cianjur, maranggi only (strictly) made ​​from beef. By contrast, more common in Purwakarta made ​​from goat meat, cow though...

Mung bean porridge ( bubur kacang hijau )

porridge made ​​from Mung bean certainly very healthy, calcium and phosphorus content in Mung bean beneficial for strengthening bones and contains multiple proteins that serve to replace dead cells and helps the growth of body cells. Here if you want to know the porridge recipe. Mung bean porridge ingredients: 350 gm Mung bean,...

kerak telur betawi

kerak telur Betawi adietthatis veryfamiliar amongthe people of Jakarta.Foodisthe mainingredientof thisegghasa delicious tasteandcan be enjoyedby anyone.Ifyouwant to tryto build youreggcrustThat's good,Resephariinibelowwillsharethe recipehow to make it: Ingredients To Make The Delicious Egg Crust: 1 ounce of white glutinous rice, soak...

sweet corn soup (sup jagung muda )

ingredients: 3 pieces of young maize (thinly - sliced​​) Btr 2 Chicken Eggs 300 g Carrots (thinly - sliced​​) 300 g Cauliflower (thinly - sliced​​) 3 lbr onions (thinly - sliced​​) 1 stalk Celery (thinly - sliced​​) 5 cloves of red onion (thinly - sliced​​) 2 cloves garlic (thinly - sliced​​) Salt, nutmeg and pepper to taste water How...

sweet sour tofu ball ( bola tahu asam manis )

ingredients: 200 gr tofu mashed 100 grams of minced chicken 3 tbsp sago 1 leek, finely chopped 1 egg Salt, pepper to taste Cooking oil to taste Sweet and sour sauce: 2 tablespoons butter Bh ½ onion, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 6 tbsp tomato sauce 2 tablespoons chili sauce 50 ml of water Salt, sugar, pepper powder to...


well this time we try to share with you also deh Indonesian cuisine is derived from the Betawi. Of course you can try to make the gado gado with ordinary dish or gado gado Betawi with some extra special flavor complement to the gado-gado Betawi could be more delicious and tasty Ingredients Making Gado Gado: Prepare beans that have been...

Combro Cake ( Kue Combro )

combro cake is the traditional cake of western Java. Its main ingredient is grated cassava and oncom. This cake is named combro, is short for the word "oncom in jero" in the Sundanese language, which in Indonesian means "oncom inside". Oncom actually used as filler combro cake can be replaced with other ingredients, such as tempeh, tofu...
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