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Showing posts with label Cake Recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cake Recipe. Show all posts

Klenyem ( cassava with palm sugar cake )

Klenyem ( cassava with palm sugar cake ) In Indonesia, cassava into food staple food after rice and maize. Benefits of cassava leaves as a vegetable has a high enough protein, or for other purposes such as pharmaceuticals. The wood can be used as a garden fence or in the villages are often used as firewood for cooking. With the development...

donuts with sweet white potatoes

donuts with sweet white potatoes Sweet Potato  White is a food that is commonly consumed by people of Indonesia. White Potatoes contain an energy of 123 kilocalories, protein 1.8 g, carbohydrates 27.9 grams, 0.7 grams fat, 30 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus 49 mg, and 1 milligram of iron. Also in White Potatoes also contained as...

serabi solo cake

serabi solo cake oke this day indonesiaoriginalrecipes will share how to make serabi solo cake. serabi solo cake is a traditional cake from solo, in solo many restourant serve this cake. in solo serabi notosuma is a famous restourant servering this cake. serabi solo cake ingredien: - 1 tablespoon wheat flour - 1 tablespoon sugar - 5...

wingko babat cake ( wingko babat ) indonesian recipes

wingko babat cake ( wingko babat ) indonesian recipes wingko babat Ingredients : 500 g Glutinous Rice flour (Tepung Ketan) 3 Eggs (separated) 3 cups desiccated Coconut 2 cups castor sugar 2 cups santan (Coconut milk) vanilla essence how to make wingko babat : 1. Beat the egg whites and sugar until thick and creamy 2. Add...

Steamed Coconut Cupcakes ( Putu Ayu ) Indonesian Recipes

Steamed Coconut Cupcakes ( Putu Ayu ) Indonesian Recipes putu ayu Ingredients: 1/2 cup plain flour 1/2 cup sugar 2 eggs 1/4 cup coconut milk 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tbsp green food coloring 1/3 cup desiccated coconut, soak in water to moisten 1/2 tsp salt How to make putu ayu: Grease 15 cupcake moulds. Using an electric...

Lumpur Cake ( Kue Lumpur ) indonesian recipes

Lumpur Cake ( Kue Lumpur ) indonesian recipes Ingredients: 75 g margarine or butter 250 ml water 150 g flour, sifted 100 g sugar 1/4 tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla 6 eggs 450 ml coconut cream 100 g raisins 100 g coconut, flesh, slivered How to: Melt the margarine/butter in the water, add the flour and blend it until smooth....

klepon cake ( kue klepon ) indonesian recipes

klepon cake ( kue klepon ) indonesian recipes kelepon is a kind of traditional food or traditional Indonesian cake which belong to a group snack market. This food made out from glutinous rice flour shaped like small balls and filled with brown sugar and boil in boiling water. Klepon ripe and then rolled in grated coconut that is attached...

baozi ( bakpao ) chinese recipe

baozi ( bakpao ) chinese recipe Ingredients: 200cc warm water 450gr flour 1 tablespoon gist 1 tablespoon granulated sugar Ingredients contents: 200 gr beef, chopped 4 cloves of garlic, crushed 2 sdk eat sesame oil, for frying 1 sdk eating starch 100cc water salt, ground pepper, and seasoning to taste How to make content: Heat the...

sweet potato ball cake ( kue bola ubi ) indonesia recipes

The sweet potato is one of the main ingredients that are often used in the making of traditional cakes in Indonesia. With a little creativity, the sweet potato can be processed into pie-shaped sweet balls known as cake sweet potato ball, which is suitable to drink coffee or tea. The sweet potato ball cake are also often found sold in...

sweet martabak ( martabak manis )

Recipe Sweet Martabak can use cheese or typical Bandung, Holland Bogasari flour or using the same bright moon. here is no way to make an easy cake sweet martabak not eggs. anyway please read through to the end of this delicious recipe. Ingredients sweet martabak ( martabak manis ) : - 125 grams of wheat flour - 1/4 teaspoon of baking...

martabak bangka

martabak bangka Food is included in the category of cake but could also as a snack, this sweet snacks to make it not too hard but also necessary seriousness and concentration. well want to know how the recipe is made, please read to the end of this article Martabak bangka Ingredients: 1700 cc coconut milk (taken from 2 old coconuts) 4...

molen banana ( pisang molen )

molen banana ( pisang molen ) recipes : information for those of you who like to cook. on this occasion I will give you some information about easy ways to make delicious banana molen. The food is often sold one traditional markets and street food snacks. besides it tastes good, has a banana molen savory and crunchy texture. Banana Molen...

sweetmeat nutmeg ( manisan pala )

sweetmeat nutmeg is one kind of snack that belong to the group of candied fruits. The business of making candied nutmeg does not require a difficult technology and make it quite easy, therefore it easy efforts made ​​by new entrepreneurs. Making candied nutmeg is generally conducted by small businesses in the area producing nutmeg. South...

bika ambon cake ( kue bingka ambon )

bika ambon cake ( kue bingka ambon ) Bika Ambon is a dessert from Indonesia. Made from ingredients such as tapioca flour, eggs, sugar, yeast and coconut milk, Bika Ambon generally sold in pandan flavour, although now available also other flavors like banana, durian, cheese, chocolate. The yeast creates bubbles, which gives it a unique...

milk pie balinese ( pie susu khas bali )

Pie bali milk has a mild flavor and delicious, this is what makes the pie milk so popular. Here I try to present milk pie recipe, you might want to try in the kitchen. ingredients for leather 150gr butter 2 egg yolks 225gr flour proteins are being 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1/4 teaspoon salt ingredients to...

Bolu Kukus Cake ( kue bolu kukus )

Steamed sponge cake  is one country that is very popular and easy to find. The form that resembles a blooming flower and a lovely chap is one of the attractions of this steamed sponge cake, besides being sweet and soft cake texture on the tongue. Steamed sponge cake is shaped like a cupcake. INGREDIENTS: 300 grams of wheat flour 250...

Combro Cake ( Kue Combro )

combro cake is the traditional cake of western Java. Its main ingredient is grated cassava and oncom. This cake is named combro, is short for the word "oncom in jero" in the Sundanese language, which in Indonesian means "oncom inside". Oncom actually used as filler combro cake can be replaced with other ingredients, such as tempeh, tofu...

semar mendem cake

this cake originated  from semarang indonesia,. INGREDIENTS: • Ketan 500 grams • Meat / shredded 100 grams • Eggs 3 eggs • 2 tbsp flour HOW TO MAKE SEMAR mendem: • Sticky rice cooked as cooking rice. After cooking dikepali with hands stuffed inside With shredded or cooked meat • Beat eggs, mix with flour, make a thin omelet batter,...

Lapis Cake

INGREDIENTS: 1 cup white flour / rice flour 1 cup flour 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup coconut milk Vanilla, salt, red and green Sumba bread (optional). HOW TO MAKE A LAYER CAKE: • All ingredients are mixed into a dough. Oil the dough is divided into three. The two parts are colored (Sumba) each green and red, was a white one piece left...

steamed brownis chocolate

chocolate brownies is a modification of the traditional sponge cake with creamy texture of the cake with a dark chocolate color like brownies. Its texture is soft, the color is dark brown with a sprinkling of raisins interesting tastes to eat immediately, making everyone loved it. Here is a recipe to make brownies. Steamed Chocolate...
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