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Showing posts with label others indonesia recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label others indonesia recipe. Show all posts

fried chicken with honey ginger sauce

fried chicken with honey ginger sauce this time indonesian original resipes will share how to make fried chicken with honey ginger sauce. time for coocking 40 minutes. oke lest go we coock ingerdients how to make fried cheicken with honey ginger sauce : - 3 chicken leg - 1 tablespoon light soy sauce - 1 tablespoon maizena -...

grilled chicken teriyaki ( ayam teriyaki bakar )

grilled chicken teriyaki  ( ayam teriyaki bakar ) grilled chicken teriyaki  ( ayam teriyaki bakar ) grilled chicken teriyaki  ( ayam teriyaki bakar ) recipe Ingredients -  3 Chicken breasts Fillet-cut in half -  120 ml Orange juice+1 tbsp Lime juice -  3 tsp grated Ginger, 3 tsp Sesame oil -...

Cream Mushroom Soup ( krim sup jamur ) For Vegetarian

Nutrients contained in a series of button mushrooms have a variety of important benefits for health. Little explanation, you can read below. Against cancer cells Extraction button mushrooms reportedly can lower the activity of cancer cells and reduce tumor size in the body. So it is advisable consumed by people with breast and prostate...

fried fish with potato salad ( ikan goreng dengan salad kentang )

fried fish with potato salad ( ikan goreng dengan salad kentang ) recipes Ingredients: 5 boneless tuna fish (other fish may be substituted) 2 eggs 4/5 cups bread flakes salt pepper potato salad 400 g boiled potatoes, diced 1 cauliflower, boiled and cut into medium 8 snow peas, cut in half Salad Dressing 3 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 tsp...

Baked Eggplant Teriyaki Sauce ( terung saus teriyaki )

eggplant (Solanum melongena) is one of the flowering plant belonging to the plant "nigthshade". In the UK, also known as aubergine eggplant, brinjal, brinjal eggplant, melongene, garden egg or guinea squash, and is the essential ingredient in the manufacture of Moussaka and Ratatouille. Eggplant is related to tomatoes and potatoes. Eggplant...
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