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Showing posts with label Indonesian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indonesian. Show all posts

Bawang Merah = Shallot

Bawang  Merah   =   Shallot Shallots (Allium cepa L. var Aggregatum) is a plant that is a flavor / spices of various cuisines of Southeast Asia and the world. Javanese people called as " Brambang ", The most widely used is the tubers, although some culinary traditions also use the leaves and flower stalks as food seasonings....

tofu bakwan ( bakwan tahu )

tofu bakwan ( bakwan tahu ) tofu is food easily found in indonesia.  made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks. It is a component in East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines. in Indonesia tofu can be processed into a variety of foods. but this time i will share how to make tofu...

tofu vegetarian steak ( steak tahu vegetarian )

tofu vegetarian steak ( steak tahu vegetarian ) tofu vegetarian steak ( steak tahu vegetarian ) oke tis time indonesian original recipes will share how to make tofu vegetarian steak tofu is a product from soybean which is the source Texturized vegetable protein (TVP). usualy often use alternate to meat for vegetarian. ingredients...

button mushrooms bakwan ( bakwan jamur kancing )

button mushrooms bakwan ( bakwan jamur kancing ) button mushrooms bakwan ( bakwan jamur kancing ) now indonesian original  recipes ( will share how to make bakwan button mushrom. this is the indonesian traditional noodles. usualy eaten for snack to coffe or tea in afternoon. bakwan...

spicy rice noodles ( bihun bumbu pedas )

spicy rice noodles ( bihun bumbu pedas ) spicy rice noodles spicy rice noodles ingredients( bihun bumbu pedas ): - 130 grm rice noodles. how water (100°C ) brewed - 200 grm chicken, fried and sliced - 100 grm bean sprouts - 1 carrots, thin sliced - 3 tablespoon soy sauce - 2 tablespoon chillie sauce - 1/2 teaspoon salt -...

carrot and pineaple salad recipes

carrot and pineaple salad ingerdients parrot and pineaple salad : - 210 gm pineaple cut into dice - 150 grm carrot, boiled and cut into dice - 2 tablespoon mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon butter, shake into tender. - 2 teaspoon soy sauce - 1/2 teaspoon lemon water - salt and sugar how to make parrot and pineaple salad : 1. mix together mayonnaise, butter, soy sauce, lemon water salt and suggar. 2. add pineaple, carroot mix together 3....

peria and anchovy fried with egg recipes

peria and anchovy fried with egg Peria fruit , fruit that is known for it bitter taste . Peria has the Latin name Momordica charantia . The fruit have oval shaped and has freckles on it skin. Peria usually consumed with boiled ( as a salad ) , pan-fried , or be part of a hodgepodge. There are so much content of vitamins and minerals in Peria fruit with the content of fitokimianya as saponins , flavonoids , polyphenols , cucurbitacin...

quail eggs in soy sauce

quail eggs in soy sauce quail eggs in Indonesia usually for side dish and called is Telur puyuh. This food is a good source of Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Iron and Phosphorus, and a very good source of Protein, Riboflavin and Selenium. this time will share recipes quail eggs. ingredients...

soup of the sun ( sup matahari ) indonesian original recipes

soup of the sun ( sup matahari ) indonesian original recipes ingredient soup of the sun : 1 carrot, cut to length 50 grams of peas 50 grams of oyster mushrooms, disuwir 5 whole cloves garlic, fried, mashed 3 pieces of mushroom, cut into pieces 2 pieces of sausage, sliced 1/2 cm 1,750 ml chicken broth 4 teaspoon salt 1/2...

lilit satay seafood ( sate lilit )

lilit satay seafood ( sate lilit ) ingredient lilit satay ( sate lilit ) : - 300grm snapper fish ( ikan kakap ) - 300grm shirmp - 200ml milk coconut - 200 grm grated coconut seasoing lilit satay ( sate lilit ) : - 2 buah red chillie - 3 butir Thai pepper / bird's eye chili pepper - 2 tea spoon salt - 2 table spoon palm sugar - 1 tea...

common snakehead satay

common snakehead satay ingredient common snakedhead satay : - 500 grm common snakehead ( scientific name : Channa striata ) , cut in topiece and clean and drain seasoning common snakedhead satay : - 4 tablespoon honney - 1 tablespoon tamarind water - 1 talespoon...

black pepper chicken feet ( ceker ayam lada hitam ) original indonesian recipes

black pepper chicken feet ( ceker ayam lada hitam ) original indonesian recipes ingredients:  500 grams of chicken claw, cleaned and bruised 2 cm ginger  1,000 ml of water to boil chicken feet seasoning : 5 cloves garlic, roughly chopped 1 cm ginger, grated 2 curly red chilies, cut into pieces 1 piece deaf 1/2...

Beef Skin Crackers In Javanese Sauce ( Sambal Goreng Krecek ) indonesian recipes

Beef Skin Crackers In Javanese Sauce ( Sambal Goreng Krecek ) indonesian recipes Ingredients 75 gr Beef skin crackers *                               2 tbsp Black Soya beans-boiled                      50...

woku chicken ala manado ( ayam woku manado ) recipes indonesian

woku chicken ala manado ( ayam woku manado ) recipes indonesia woku chicken Ingredients 1 Chicken-cut, 1 tsp Salt, 150 ml Water        5 tbsp Frying oil, 2 Lemongrass-bruised          2 tbsp Lime juice, 30 Lemon basil leaves         ½ tsp Sugar, 100 ml Coconut milk   ...

fried noodles ( mie goreng ) indonesian recipes

fried noodles ( mie goreng ) indonesian recipes fried noodles ( mie goreng ) indonesian recipes Ingredients -  300 gr Egg Noodles-boiled ½ done                -  300 gr Chicken fillet-sliced                          ...

Fried Tempeh in spicy sauce ( Kering tempe ) Indonesian recipes

Fried Tempeh in spicy sauce ( Kering tempe ) Indonesian recipes Ingredients -  2 Lemongrass-bruised, 3 Bay leaves      -  3 cloves Garlic & ½ cm Ginger-grind -  2 tbsp Coconut/brown sugar                    -  1 tsp Salt, 1 Cayenne pepper (option)-grind -...

javanese tempeh & chili sauce ( sambal tumpang ) indonesian recipes

javanese tempeh & chili sauce ( sambal tumpang ) Indonesian Recipes javanese tempeh & chili sauce ( sambal tumpang ) indonesian recipes Sambal tumpang Ingredients -  5 Red chilies, 7 Bird`s eye chilies       -  200 ml Coconut milk+50 ml Water, 6 Shallots -  4 cloves Garlic, 2 Bay leaves, Salt...

Meat and Grated Curry ala makasar ( pallu basa ) indonesian recipes

Meat and Grated Curry ala makasar ( pallu basa ) Indonesian Recipes Pallu basa Ingredients: 3 tbsp Oil 2 stalks Lemon Grass, bruised 1/2 nutmeg Nutmeg 3 Cloves 5 cm Cinnamon stick 1 kg Beef, cut into pieces (1 X 3 X 5 cm) 150 g Shredded coconut, roasted, ground 1 liter Coconut milk from 1 coconut 2 tbsp Tamarind juice Spices...

besengek chikcen ( Ayam Besengek ) indonesian recipes

besengek chikcen ( Ayam Besengek ) indonesian recipes Besengek chicken Ingredients: 500gr chicken broiler or fryer 2 tsp salt 3 tbsp vegetables oil or margarine 2 clove garlic, chopped finely 2 red chilies, crushed 1 tsp ground coriander pinch of ground cumin 1 tsp ground laos 2 candlenuts, grated 1/2 tsp shrimp paste 2...

wingko babat cake ( wingko babat ) indonesian recipes

wingko babat cake ( wingko babat ) indonesian recipes wingko babat Ingredients : 500 g Glutinous Rice flour (Tepung Ketan) 3 Eggs (separated) 3 cups desiccated Coconut 2 cups castor sugar 2 cups santan (Coconut milk) vanilla essence how to make wingko babat : 1. Beat the egg whites and sugar until thick and creamy 2. Add...
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