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Showing posts with label Java Recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Java Recipes. Show all posts

Klenyem ( cassava with palm sugar cake )

Klenyem ( cassava with palm sugar cake ) In Indonesia, cassava into food staple food after rice and maize. Benefits of cassava leaves as a vegetable has a high enough protein, or for other purposes such as pharmaceuticals. The wood can be used as a garden fence or in the villages are often used as firewood for cooking. With the development...

pepes tofu ( pepes tahu )

pepes tofu ( pepes tahu ) pepes tofu very favored in indonesia because besides can used as a side dish can also be used as a snack this time indonesia original recipes will share how to make pepes tofu. pepes tofu ( pepes tahu ) ingredients : - 100 grm tofu, mashed - 4 lime leaves ( in indonesian called " daun jeruk purut " ) - 2...

tofu bakwan ( bakwan tahu )

tofu bakwan ( bakwan tahu ) tofu is food easily found in indonesia.  made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks. It is a component in East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines. in Indonesia tofu can be processed into a variety of foods. but this time i will share how to make tofu...

serabi solo cake

serabi solo cake oke this day indonesiaoriginalrecipes will share how to make serabi solo cake. serabi solo cake is a traditional cake from solo, in solo many restourant serve this cake. in solo serabi notosuma is a famous restourant servering this cake. serabi solo cake ingredien: - 1 tablespoon wheat flour - 1 tablespoon sugar - 5...

button mushrooms bakwan ( bakwan jamur kancing )

button mushrooms bakwan ( bakwan jamur kancing ) button mushrooms bakwan ( bakwan jamur kancing ) now indonesian original  recipes ( will share how to make bakwan button mushrom. this is the indonesian traditional noodles. usualy eaten for snack to coffe or tea in afternoon. bakwan...

spicy rice noodles ( bihun bumbu pedas )

spicy rice noodles ( bihun bumbu pedas ) spicy rice noodles spicy rice noodles ingredients( bihun bumbu pedas ): - 130 grm rice noodles. how water (100°C ) brewed - 200 grm chicken, fried and sliced - 100 grm bean sprouts - 1 carrots, thin sliced - 3 tablespoon soy sauce - 2 tablespoon chillie sauce - 1/2 teaspoon salt -...

soup of the sun ( sup matahari ) indonesian original recipes

soup of the sun ( sup matahari ) indonesian original recipes ingredient soup of the sun : 1 carrot, cut to length 50 grams of peas 50 grams of oyster mushrooms, disuwir 5 whole cloves garlic, fried, mashed 3 pieces of mushroom, cut into pieces 2 pieces of sausage, sliced 1/2 cm 1,750 ml chicken broth 4 teaspoon salt 1/2...

blood cockle with cayenne pepper

blood cockle with cayenne pepper igredients blood cockle with cayenne pepper: - 1 tablespoon vegetable oil for sauteing - 3 Indonesian bay-leaf/Indonesian laurel ( Syzygium polyanthum ) - 3 tamarind ( Tamarindus indica ) - 1Kg blood cockle - 20 cayenne pepper - 100 ml coconut milk - 100 gr peanut...

black pepper chicken feet ( ceker ayam lada hitam ) original indonesian recipes

black pepper chicken feet ( ceker ayam lada hitam ) original indonesian recipes ingredients:  500 grams of chicken claw, cleaned and bruised 2 cm ginger  1,000 ml of water to boil chicken feet seasoning : 5 cloves garlic, roughly chopped 1 cm ginger, grated 2 curly red chilies, cut into pieces 1 piece deaf 1/2...

Beef Skin Crackers In Javanese Sauce ( Sambal Goreng Krecek ) indonesian recipes

Beef Skin Crackers In Javanese Sauce ( Sambal Goreng Krecek ) indonesian recipes Ingredients 75 gr Beef skin crackers *                               2 tbsp Black Soya beans-boiled                      50...

fried noodles ( mie goreng ) indonesian recipes

fried noodles ( mie goreng ) indonesian recipes fried noodles ( mie goreng ) indonesian recipes Ingredients -  300 gr Egg Noodles-boiled ½ done                -  300 gr Chicken fillet-sliced                          ...

Fried Tempeh in spicy sauce ( Kering tempe ) Indonesian recipes

Fried Tempeh in spicy sauce ( Kering tempe ) Indonesian recipes Ingredients -  2 Lemongrass-bruised, 3 Bay leaves      -  3 cloves Garlic & ½ cm Ginger-grind -  2 tbsp Coconut/brown sugar                    -  1 tsp Salt, 1 Cayenne pepper (option)-grind -...

javanese tempeh & chili sauce ( sambal tumpang ) indonesian recipes

javanese tempeh & chili sauce ( sambal tumpang ) Indonesian Recipes javanese tempeh & chili sauce ( sambal tumpang ) indonesian recipes Sambal tumpang Ingredients -  5 Red chilies, 7 Bird`s eye chilies       -  200 ml Coconut milk+50 ml Water, 6 Shallots -  4 cloves Garlic, 2 Bay leaves, Salt...

wingko babat cake ( wingko babat ) indonesian recipes

wingko babat cake ( wingko babat ) indonesian recipes wingko babat Ingredients : 500 g Glutinous Rice flour (Tepung Ketan) 3 Eggs (separated) 3 cups desiccated Coconut 2 cups castor sugar 2 cups santan (Coconut milk) vanilla essence how to make wingko babat : 1. Beat the egg whites and sugar until thick and creamy 2. Add...

Rice Rolls with chicken Filling ( Lemper ) Indonesian recipes

Rice Rolls with chicken Filling ( Lemper ) Indonesian recipes Ingredients : 500g (1lb) glutinous rice 2 cups water 1 cup thick coconut milk 250g (8oz) finely chopped chicken ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon ground black pepper 2 tablespoons oil 2 cloves garlic, crushed 2 curry leaves 2 teaspoons ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground...

Javanese Sweet Chicken in Spicy Sauce ( semur ayam jawa ) indoneisan recipes

Javanese Sweet Chicken in Spicy Sauce ( semur ayam jawa ) Ingredients: 1 chicken 4 onions 2 cloves garlic 2 red lomboks (large chilies) 2 tbsp kecap manis (dark sweet soy sauce) 1 lime (juice) 3 cloves 250 ml chicken stock (see recipe) salt to taste 3 tbsp oil How TO Make: 1. Cut the chicken into large pieces. 2. Cut...

Coconut Curry Vegetable (sayur lodeh) indonesian recipe

Coconut Curry Vegetable  (sayur lodeh) indonesian recipe Coconut Curry Vegetable  (sayur lodeh) indonesian recipe Ingredients: 1/2 head cabbage 2 carrots 1/2 turnip 250gr firm tofu 1 1/2 cups cut green beans 1 1/2 cups coconut milk 2 cups water Spice blend: 2 tablespoon chili paste 2 teaspoon shrim paste (belacan) 2...

Fried Tofu and Tempeh in Spicy Sauce ( sambal goreng tahu tempe ) indonesian recipe

Fried Tofu and Tempeh in Spicy Sauce ( sambal goreng tahu tempe ) indonesian recipe Ingredients: 250 gr tofu/tahu (bean curd) 250 gr tempe 2 onions 5 cloves garlic 3 tbsp palmsugar 1 tsp shrimp paste( terasi )-- optional 2 tbsp sweet soy sauce ( kecap ) 1 tsp salt 2 salam leaves 2 red large chilies ( lomboks ) 5 cm galangal 1...

cassava leaves Curry ( Gulai daun singkong ) indonesian recipe

cassava leaves Curry ( Gulai daun singkong ) indonesian recipe ingerdients : 200 gr of young cassava leaves 3 cm galangal, smashed 1 stalk lemongrass, smashed 2 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon dried shrimp, brewed, roasted, mashed 1,000 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut 2 tablespoons oil for sauteing Subtle Seasonings: 10...

ice tamarind recipe ( es asam jawa ) indonesian recipe

ice tamarind recipe ( es asam jawa ) indonesian recipe Ingredients : • 250 grams tamarind • 1 ltr of water suplementary : • 100 gr sugar • 500 ml soda water • ice cubes 1. Wash tamarind, then boiled with ari, until boiling and crushed tamarind. 2. Then strain, put into the pot. 3. Sugar cooked with a bit water, until dissolved, then...
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